Ep. 36 Flashback Friday with Regan Rosburg: Breaching Grief, Melancholia and Mania with Biophilia


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Let's Talk About The Weather


Regan Rosburg is an artist and naturalist. Recently, her work has been an investigation into society's collective grief, melancholia and mania which manifests as consumption and distraction. She has conducted biology-based research trips to the Bahamas, Canada, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Thailand, The Pacific Northwest Coast, and the Smokey Mountains of Northeast Tennessee. Rosburg works in a variety of materials. Her resin work contains precious artifacts: plant and animal relics, bones, insects, lace and painted imagery. These objects are suspended in incredibly laborious, three dimensional resin "paintings." The use of resin poignantly addresses her growing concern over plastic pollution in the environment, while presenting the beauty of plant and animal species. Regan curated Axis Mundi - an exhibition of 21 artists from all over the USA and Canada that responded to the topics of Environmental Melancholia, Collective Social Mania and Biophilia.  Links mentioned Ecopsychology  The three terms expressed on Axis Mundi: Artists on Ecopsychology Freud's “Mourning, Melancholia, and Mania” PDF Renee Lurtzman on Environmental Melancholia  E. O. Wilson and Biophilia / Forest Bathing in Japan   The 2017 Biennial of Americas in Denver, CO Chris Jordan's film "Albatross" The 21 artists and their work can be found at AXIS MUNDI Artists on EcoPsychology: Environmental Melancholia, Collective Social Mania, and Biophilia Regan's "The Relentless Memorial" Axis Mundi Brings The Work of Twenty-one Artists from the USA and Canada Jennifer Jenal showing of Albatros Summer 2018 showings at the William Havu Gallery in Denver Guest Contact information ReganRosburg.com  Regan Rosburg on InstaGram #reganrosburg Regan Rosburg on Tumblr Regan Rosburg on Vimeo Purchase the podcast’s namesake Eco Music album "Let’s Talk About The Weather" on iTunes or Bandcamp. XG1JhG5bhVnOqLzWJFnM