Ep. 51 - "Sponsors, Sponsorships, and Sponsor Decks - Oh My" with Hayley Wakefield


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Creatives Meet Business


Hi there folks! Creatives Meet Business is an event and podcast series based out of Austin, Texas for artists, creatives, freelancers, and solopreneurs to learn the ropes of entrepreneurship. This episode features Hayley (Swindell) Wakefield who hosted us in June of 2018 during our roundtable event on Event Planning. She shares ALL about event sponsorship: how to find sponsors, how to communicate with them, how to create your benefits package and sponsor deck, and top tips on sponsor stewardship. This episode is packed to the brim with insights that'll help anyone who asks for money, even if they're not in events. Without further ado, let's hop in and hear what Hayley has to say! Notes: 0:00 to 2:15 - Ashland Opening Remarks and Intro of Hayley Wakefield 2:18 to 8:04 - Hayley introduction of self and topic 8:05 to 10:11 - Event Creation Step 1: Create a Budget What can be an in-kind donation? Once you know asks, figure out how to divide into levels (i.e. 10k, 5k, 1k) 10:12 to 11:22 - Sponsor Decks Sponsorship levels are built into sponsor deck Decks and one-sheets are VERY helpful Hayley prefers customized and catered asks over sponsor decks Sponsor asks should be about how the brand is featured in the event and how you help them (not the other way around) Personalize your outreach, not "dear" "to whom it may concern" with an attached sponsor deck Recommends Canva for sponsor deck build 11:23 to 19:54 - Sponsor Target List and Sponsor Outreach Be organized/track your asks  Google Sheets with a few columns and shared with your team for tracking is very helpful If someone says "no," ask why If you just can't ask for money, recruit a host committee Share graphics and sample copy for host committee to share the word Be mindful of using terms like "partner" or "collaborate" if you're actually asking for a cash sponsorship (be clear about that) Don't need a coffee meeting for everything you're asking for; a phone call can be sufficient to establish fit and then connect more following the call Follow-up is HUGE Share photos as soon as possible Ask how you can support the sponsor in the future 19:59 to 24:42 - Ashland Closing Remarks Shot lists for photographers Like this podcast? Great! A rating and review are so helpful! Stay in touch, email us (ashland@cmbatx.com) or connect with us on social (@createmeetbiz on Instagram and Twitter // Creatives Meet Business on Facebook). Big thanks to Jamal Knox (audio engineer) and Chris James (composer)! If you like what you hear, share the podcast with your friends, and rate and review. To stay in the loop - follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or subscribe to the newsletter. More on Event Planning to come, so stay tuned! Thanks! Ashland, Creatives Meet Business