Ep. 56: You Love Me


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Read Around the Rosé


Love turned out to not be the love of Joe's life. So Joe turned his back on major cities, and moved to a small town up north. Then he heard her voice for the first time. She sounded perfect on the phone, he had to get to know her. Mary Kay DiMarco with her short skirts was just begging for someone like Joe. Yet, this time Joe was determined to win her heart the right way. He'd be patient, and be the type of guy that he knows she needs. Can Joe let go of his past, and truly find the love of his life? Third times the charm right? Join the Rosé Girls this week as we discuss You Love Me by Caroline Kepnes. This captivating book is a wonderful addition to the You series. You can also drink along with us as we enjoy a bottle of If a Tree Falls. And...We clink ??