Ep 68: Being a living legend as an artist, muse, and healer w/ Domonique Echeverria


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Artists Without DayJobs


Today we talk to Domonique Echeverria, she is a queer Latinx intuitive reiki healer, medicine woman, artist and muse. Originally from the Bay Area, Echeverria moved to New York in 2010 where she became a muse and mother hen to the underground fashion world, modeling for Givenchy, Gypsy Sport Chris Habana, and hosting parties for the top promoters in NY from Brooklyn to Uptown. After being mishandled by the psychiatric and medical world, Echeverria’s fate changed, surviving a suicide attempt in 2015 which left her psychically disabled. Disappointed with the lack of resources and education on alternative healing she founded Universal Mother, a healing collective curated to help others heal from trauma and remind them of the power and effectiveness of holistic medicine and energy work. Universal Mother is her battlecry to the world, gathering healers and mothers  from all walks of life to empathetically guide people through their suffering.