Ep 7: Space and Beyond; Choose Your Own Adventure #4 (pt. 2 of 2)


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Reading Roulette: Choose Your Own Adventure Podcast


(1:30) a literal black hole, 1000 light years, a prism, a narrative black hole; (7:30) past lives and past misogyny, a book within a book that is not a book; (11:20) 1st person, 2nd person, and 3rd person, singular and plural, all in one sentence, the Hercules of boredom; (16:08) protracted negotiations with The Blob, pro-choice pro-life pro-blob; (22:25) Han Solo Reverse Cowgirl; (30:48) YOU WANT NO PART OF THIS FREAKSHOW!, Science Fiction and the last vestiges of personal freedom, a tome of insanity; (30:20) a Space Circus sounds crazy, a Roman census on a lazer highway; (37:08) like a drunk throwing a dart, if the mountain won't come to Montgomery; (38:36) Violent Deaths!; (41:38) you're a velociraptor hurtling back in time-- YOU CAN'T STAND IT!!!! (43:00) The worst book I have ever read in my life. Stockholm syndrome. Dadlighting. Uniquely Horrible. A freakout and a lie to cover up the freakout.