Ep: 82: The Untapped Goldmine Behind Your Dental Data With Curtis Marshall


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Double Your Dental Production Tomorrow | The Team Training Institute | Professional Dental Consultants


In today’s podcast, Curtis Marshall joins us from Dental Intel, a software that helps dental practices easily track and understand data in their practice. During this episode, they look at the meaning behind the data of a current practice and identify opportunities that will create the greatest impact with the least amount of effort. They look at the data in a current dental practice and dive into the story those numbers are really telling, and how the practice can make easy changes to increase case acceptance, double their production and improve patient care.   You’ll Learn The first and second things you want to ask yourself when looking at your data What number you should be looking at first thing in the morning and how that can explode your production. Knowing data just identify opportunities, but taking action on that data is even more important. The importance of knowing your reality versus making decisions based on your perception of your reality Why increase production should never be your only focus How improved patient care will always lead to higher production Guest Bio Curtis Marshall is a founding member of Dental Intel, a software that helps practices analyze everything, automate your day, find hidden revenue, fill your schedule & so much more. Resources 1. All listeners of the Double Your Production Podcast are welcome to schedule a customized Practice Analysis Amplifier where we will review your current production and create your personalized roadmap for doubling your production. Click here to set up your call 2. All listeners of the Double Your Production Podcast, can test-drive our Double Your Production Membership where you have access to the trainings, videos, and live Q&A's with both Dr. John and Wendy. Check it all our for just $1. Click here to see everything that is included.  3. Follow us on Facebook for our live updates: https://www.facebook.com/TeamTrainingInstitute/ 4. Recession Recovery Checklist found: here.  5.  Grap our bestselling book "How To Double Or Triple Your Dental Practice Production" where we'll show you the 5 step system doctors are using without additional cost in advertising or staff. Grap you copy here.