Ep 97 - How to: Make Science Fun and Exciting with these Three Tips


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Tips for Homeschool Science Podcast from Elemental Science


Do you struggle with the idea that science is boring? It doesn't have to be! In this podcast, we'll be chatting about three ways you can make science fun and exciting.Show Notes - https://elementalscience.com/blogs/podcast/97This audio is an expansion of a popular post from Elemental Science. See the original post here: How to Make Science FunTimestampsHere is what you'll find in this episode: (0:37) Should science be fun?Not everything in our homeschool has to be exciting.But science can, and should, be fun - at least part of it should!When part of science is exciting, it helps kids to remember what they are learning.(1:57) One Way to Make Science Fun: Real-life ExamplesShow what science looks like in real life!Take field trips or do nature study.(3:07) Another Way to Make Science Fun: Hands-on Science ActivitiesNo better way to learn about science than to do it!Try out ideas or use the planned activities in your curriculum.Always make sure that the activities relate to what you are learning.(4:51) Another, Another Way to Make Science Fun: Talk to ExpertsExperts are passionate and that passion is contagious.Talk to experts on field trips - sit at their feet and learn.(5:34) The final word...Back up the fun with facts because the fun partners with the facts to create pegs in your kiddos' memories! (6:58) Get help for teaching science at home with our programs.