Ep 98 - Growing our Faith with Jennifer Pollock Michel


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Ready to Thrive

Religion & Spirituality

How’s your faith, friend? Still standing firm or feeling a little shaky these days? This past year has been such a faith-tester hasn’t it? And to be honest, even the sturdiest of us have taken a hit this year. It’s felt a bit like a stripping away of all that we once held onto and we can be left feeling a little bit exposed. And from that place, that “wow I can’t believe all that has changed” place. We come back to the firm foundation. We come back to the truth. And these daily habits begin to build for us something that is stronger, unshakable, something firm. I loved this conversation with Jen Pollock Michel and I was deeply moved by her latest book, A Habit Called Faith: 40 Days in the Bible to Find and Follow Jesus.  If you’re looking for a book that will help you dive into the Bible and deepen your faith, this is it! Jen Pollock Michel is an award winning author and mother of 5. She is an American that calls Canada home and is just an absolute delight to talk to. I know you will love this conversation! I know it will build your faith!