EP06: Camden Whitfield - What new realtors should do


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Gold Members Of Real Estate


EP06: Camden Whitfield - What new realtors should do when they first get their license. Camden Whitfield and I started out in the real estate industry about the same time 4-5 years ago. Driven and knowledgeable, tenacious and kind--Camden Whitfield is a modern and independent professional woman who is motivated to succeed.  Camden posses the innate ability to understand the needs of her clients by listening first, accessing their needs and acting on the best solution to achieve her goal. In an industry that is constantly evolving, always on the go and can be a 24-hour career, Camden finds herself right at home. Education is at the forefront of Camden's daily tasks, enhancing her ability to be the best for her clients, her family and her friends.  "Camden is dependable, accountable and courteous, three qualities we value greatly at NextHome Real Estate Rockstars. She posses the ideals and has the drive that we look for when adding to our team.  We could not be more proud to work with her." Cherrie Brown & Zach McReynolds A Santa Clarita native and Valencia High School Alumni, Camden is passionate about helping people and supporting those around her, like her younger brother who has lived with type-1 Diabetes since three years old.  Her family actively supports the American Diabetes Association helping to raise awareness about healthy living. Creative, youthful and able to think outside of the box, Camden tasks herself constantly to find new solutions to be more efficient.  She is most comfortable when challenged and rises to the occasion to meet the needs of her clients.  Always the right agent for the job, Camden is waiting to help you find the home that best fits your needs.