EP136: Uncovering Your Purpose and Mission with Belinda Haan


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Women in the Business Arena


Letting go of the need for external validation and embracing what we really want to do is a huge key to building a business that’s impactful, sustainable, and supportive. We’ve got to shift towards internal acceptance and trust in ourselves to find that path that we’re truly called to, in life and in work.  And here to speak about this topic on this week’s episode is a special guest: my amazing client, Belinda Haan! Belinda has had some really big breakthroughs this year in her business, and I wanted to have her on the podcast to talk about the shifts she’s experienced and the success she’s created.  Belinda and I chat about the changes she’s made in her business over the past year, how her mindset around creation has shifted, and why she feels like she’s making decisions from a more intuitive place than ever before. We also talk about why it can be so hard for women to shake off all of the labels that society gives them and tune into what they really want. Join us in the Women in the Business Arena Group on Facebook - we would love to have you! For show notes & more information, check out sonyastattmann.com/listen.