Ep15: 'Prisoner of Love' w/ BC Federation of Teachers' Shanee Prasad


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Well Reds: A Left Book Podcast


Happy summer, listeners!Teacher's Christmas is coming as Shanee Prasad of the British Columbia Federation of Teachers member representing workers of colour in NC Federation of Labour Executive Council joins host Charlie Demers for a conversation on Jean Genet's Black Panther and Palestinian liberation memoir 'Prisoner of Love' (New York Review Books Classics). Plus: Vancouver French Consulate diplomat Etienne Sainte-Bourgeois weighs in on patriotism and the much-deserved citizenship of wall-crawling baby-saver Lassana Bathily.Find ‘Prisoner of Love' at our sponsor Galiano Island Books! https://www.galianoislandbooks.com/?searchtype=keyword&qs=prisoner+of+love&qs_file=&q=h.tviewer&using_sb=status&qsb=keyword