Ep189 - 'Crown Prince' Ender Kara Interview (wXw - Westside Xtreme Wrestling, Kamikaze Pro, NJPW LA Dojo)


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Wrestling With Johners Podcast


In this awesome interview I speak to 'The Crown Prince' Ender Kara. We discuss Ender's wrestling persona's and his current storyline and toughest opponents in wXw Germany. We also talk about his love for pro-wrestling and how he transitioned from the world of Martial Arts into the world of wrestling, as he started his training in Stockholm, Sweden. Ender tells us about training with the New Japan Dojo in LA with a Japanese wrestling legend. Plus, he discusses plying his skills across the European wrestling landscape: including Denmark, Finland, Belgium and Germany. Ender tells us about his time in the UK and some of his experiences, against the likes of The O.J.M.O and Kay Jutler. We also take several fan questions and so much more! This was one of my favourite interviews with one of my favourite guests. Check it out now!! (Duration 52 mins) Part of the Johners Podcasting Network: https://wrestlingwithjohners.com/wrestling-with-johners/