Ep.22 - The Side Effects of Taking Anabolic Steroids


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Anti-Doping Science Podcast


In Ep.22 I try to answer the question what are the negative side effects of taking steroids? I review a fantastic paper called "Effects of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids in Athletes" published by Fred Hartgens in the Journal of Sports Medicine. I start by discussing the side effects of using Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and then I review the negative side effects on the reproductive systems and cardiovascular systems when someone uses above physiological levels of testosterone or uses synthetic anabolic steroids. I also touch upon the side effects on your psychology (is roid rage a thing?) and introduce the idea of becoming dependent on steroids, as I will cover dependency in a future podcast. Everything I discuss is evidence based and I try my best to give an unbiased view and simply discuss what studies and case reports describe in the literature. I also discuss my opinion on steroid usage. Make sure you are following me on Instagram (@antidopingscience) and Twitter (@antidopingsci). Please subscribe to the podcast and leave me a review on iTunes, or tell you friends about the podcast - it really helps with it's growth!