ep49 - Kyle Rowe: A Public Private Partnership Case Study about Spin Mobililty


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Stories from the Open Gov


Kyle Rowe is the former strategic advisor for the City of Seattle Department of Transportation and current global head of government at Spin. Spin is the micromobility unit coming out of the Ford Motor Company. They provide electric scooters in more than 60 markets in the U.S, very much like so many bike sharing programs. It costs $1 to unlock a scooter and 0.15 cents per minute following that. And today we talk public-private partnerships, open data, and how he plans to advance government collaboration. Time Stamps 1:13 – Open Permits 7:31 – Conditions attached to the Open Permits for dockless parking 10:35 – Public and Corporate response to the conditions 16:15 – Why did Spin adopt a collaborative approach with government? 19:27 – What is a P3? 20:56 – How does Kyle characterize a P3? 22:32 – Why are P3s controversial? 25:03 – How can we ensure that P3s are executed well? 31:51 – What are Kyle’s thoughts on the “War on the Car” rhetoric? 40:23 – Does Spin release its ridership data a Open Data? 46:28 – Rapid fire questions! 51:15 – What is the Pittsburgh Mobility Collective? Kyle Rowe Twitter account https://twitter.com/krowe4 Spin Mobility Twitter account https://twitter.com/ridespin Richard Pietro Twitter account twitter.com/richardpietro Re: Open Gov Twitter account twitter.com/re_open_gov ABOUT Stories from the Open Gov is a podcast published by www.reopengov.org and is dedicated to telling the stories about what Open Government & Open Data look like. Your host is Richard Pietro, an Open Government & Open Data practitioner for the past 10 years. Listen and learn how Open Government & Open Data are becoming a reality! MUSIC ATTRIBUTION - Introduction & conclusion Singing Sadie - I Can't Dance https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Singing_Sadie/Songs_for_Swingers/03_I_Cant_Dance Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/