Episode 002: Bethany Cox Interview


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Thoughts, Stories, Action

Religion & Spirituality

I’ve been looking forward to capturing this story for quite some time; I might even go so far as to say it’s part of the reason I believe God had me do this podcast. It just needed a place where it could be shared. You’re about to hear from Bethany Cox. Growing up she went through a lot of hardships and suffered abuse. God miraculously gave her a way out of her circumstances, and even more amazingly through much grace and power, helped her to heal and show forgiveness.  We can all relate to her story in some ways, but it is also one of those stories that is a more raw and painful than many. But like all good stories, it points to the incredible grace and love of Jesus and our Father in heaven. I share this in the interview, but I’ll share it here as well: it’s not just the story that impacts me, but the story is so much richer because of the incredible peace and joy that Bethany has while she shares it. My faith was strengthened through this testimony, this story, and I pray yours will be as well. God bless, Pastor Dan