Episode 003 Joel Schoon-Tanis


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Creative Spirit Podcast


  Luke sits down with long-time friend and fine artist, Joel Schoon-Tanis. Joel talks about his career as a painter, his brief venture into the world of television production, and how he returned to his one true love. Download {module_literature,i,143524} Find Joel Schoon-Tanis: http://www.joelschoontanisart.com/ https://www.instagram.com/joel.schoon.tanis.art/ https://www.facebook.com/Joel-Schoon-Tanis-Art-1455283881412848/ Find Luke Daab http://daabcreative.com/ https://www.facebook.com/DaabCreative/ https://twitter.com/daabcreative https://www.patreon.com/lukedaab If you'd like to write in to the show, write to luke@daabcreative.com