Episode #012: The 500 Miles to End Veterans Suicde / Mission 22 recap


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Trail Talk & Junk


IT'S HERE... after months of hounding, we were finally able to wrangle the four guys from the 500 mile journey into one room together. We had Josh, Brian, Donnie, and Jared held captive to recap some of the highs and lows of their epic journey from Bourne, MA to Arlington, VA on Veteran's Day 2019. This incredible "feet" brought so much awareness to Mission 22 and the many lives they strive to help on a daily basis. Myself and Ryan were there in the room tending to electronics and steering the train as the guys did broadcast LIVE on Facebook. I then saved a simple audio copy of their broadcast in order to put it out there on this podcast platform. Epic Adventure and a Life Changing event for many people, especially these four Rock Stars: Josh, Brian, Donnie, and Jared! Also...be on the lookout for a bunch of great events these guys are organizing for the upcoming year to help raise awareness for Mission 22!