Episode #1


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RadiOps Episode #1 * https://github.com/txthinking/brook - Brook is a cross-platform (Linux / Mac OS / Windows / Android / iOS) proxy software. * https://github.com/coyove/goflyway - HTTP tunnel in Go, a Proxy server written in Golang. * https://blog.argoproj.io/volume-monitoring-in-kubernetes-with-prometheus-3a185e4c4035 - Prometheus is a powerful tools for monitoring everything, in this article the author describes how to monitor the health of volumes in Kubernetes. * https://github.com/contribsys/faktory - Next generation Job server, the successor of Sidekiq. If you have background jobs to process on one or hundreds of servers you need to check it out. * https://serverjs.io/ - Server.js is a new library for Node.js, it simplifies the way you write your Node.js applications. * https://github.com/c0bra/deviceframe - nice tool to simply wrap images in device frames. * https://heml.io/ - a markup language to build responsive email templates. * https://github.com/cosmtrek/air - Golang command line that automagically reloads you Golang application. * https://medium.com/@rgfindley/meet-cim-cloud-infrastructure-manager-bc8bcfe0593c - manage you Cloudformation stacks making sure they are always organized properly. * https://blog.acolyer.org/2017/10/26/the-quic-transport-protocol-design-and-internet-scale-deployment/ - QUIC protocol explained. * https://github.com/jetstack/tarmak - build and deploy a Kubernetes cluster at scale in production environments. If you have any stories you would like us to share, feel free to email us at radiops@devopspro.co.uk.