Episode 1 : Fractional ownership of solar farm


Listens: 33

Digitalisation of utilities


Jos Rolling and I talk about a #blockchain based #platform that allows for a “fractional ownership of a solar farm”. 

Key take away: 

The concept of “Fractional ownership of solar farm” builds a trust in the untrusted environment among the investors, asset owners and consumers

Investor can crowd fund the solar project

Consumer (Small and large businesses and house holds) owns portion of solar assets in a farm

Asset owner takes care of the project on behalf of the investor and consumer

The unity chip designed by Sunified collects valuable data at the panel level or array. The blockchain based platform, using a crypto Ancor and energy tokens, helps in building truth and executing contracts. There are multiple use-cases currently been build around this concept. If you are interested in reading more about this platform and wants to contribute please do consider visiting 2token.org. 

If you wish to learn more about the energy tokenisation and “a fractional owner use case” please do consider watching the YouTube videos published by Jos Rolling

Introduction of tokens https://youtu.be/K9kPbeCjZHs

tokens in the energy sector https://youtu.be/8w9kdVEi2Vk

token application https://youtu.be/SJsgID8a_FE

fractional ownership use case https://youtu.be/o20OphboabE

Thanks for your time reading this post and watching Digitalisation of utilities podcast - Episode 1: Fractional Ownership of a Solar Farm.

About “Digitalisation of utilities” Podcast:  Here, I invite guests and talk about digital innovation, projects and platforms for utilities. The podcast covers both Electricity and Gas utilities in Transmission and Distribution, System operator, Renewable generation, Hydrogen production and distribution, Biomethane and Retail sectors.