Episode 11: THE George Floyd Special


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Black In The Bay


Is it ok to cry as a black man? Are we expected to be on our best behavior? Why do cops act the way they do? And does America love us? Will Hammond and I bring on a slew of guests: Dwight Moore, Javier Reyes, Crystal Brown, Lee-Ann Collins, Norman Gee, Thandiwe Thomas de Shazor, Shay Angelo Acevedo and Peter Fitzsimmons - a whole slew of black faces from different walks of life (a former peace officer, an activist, a school teacher, actors, writers) tackling these big questions in a massive Zoom video podcast. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and so many others are not just black folks who died. They aren't just a news clip or a post notification. They were people, who had families, dreams and they were Americans who should have had the right to live the American dream. This episode is dedicated to them. It's not much but it's the best we can do.