Episode 110: The Alpha State: Unconditional Love


Listens: 10

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast

Society & Culture

To expand on the ideas of indomitable self-confidence that we explored in the last episode, I will be explaining the importance of unconditional love and how it fits into the model of alignment. The alpha state we are reaching for is within your grasp and this is just another piece of the puzzle for you to get closer to your goals.   

That version of yourself that you know you want to attain, the one with confidence and stability, honesty and power, contains, without a doubt, elements of unconditional love. This love can be directed at oneself, but importantly as you will hear, is also a means to deal with other people in our lives.

When we accept the parts that make up the model of alignment, and we begin to see that none of us are our reactions or emotions, our mistakes, and successes, then it becomes that much easier to approach external forces and particularly people, with unconditional love and understanding. In this way we are non-judgmental and it is just another element of cognitive mastery.

Stay tuned for this amazing episode, brothers, as I talk about saying yes to what is, getting away from a fixation on demonstration, and liberating yourself from the beta conditioning that can hold back your greatest self!