Episode 112: Umbrella Academy | Netflix and Comics | Normies Like Us


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Normies Like Us

TV & Film

The Umbrella Academy: Emo comics come to life in the form of talking monkeys and exploding Eiffel Towers when your hosts dig in on The Umbrella Academy. The Netflix hit straight from the mind of Gerard Way has had two explosive seasons, but will it have a third? What the hell is Diego’s power? What would Number Five pick for a name? Tune in to find out on Normies Like Us! Join The Click Parade Insta @NormiesLikeUs https://www.instagram.com/normieslikeus/ @jacob https://www.instagram.com/jacob/ @JoeHasInsta https://www.instagram.com/joehasinsta/ @MikeHasInsta https://www.instagram.com/mikehasinsta/