Episode 12 - Age of Empire


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Emancipation Podcast Station


Welcome back to The Emancipation Podcast Station - the place to hear about history researched and retold through the eyes of Middle school and HS students. Last time on the show…   Today we discuss The age of empire. Let’s dive in. Was he a good president? Why or why not? William McKinley - Presidential Podcast  Gabe - McKinley was the 25th president of the united states he stayed in presidency until assassinated in his second term. He lead america to victory in the spanish american war and was the last president to be in the civil war he also was the only president in the war as an enlisted soldier He raised protective tariffs for the industries. He also maintained the gold standard and we cant even do that today.   Skylar - William mckinley was born January 29th, 1843 in Niles, Ohio. He was apart of the republican party. He became president on march 4th, 1897. While he was president the United States army won a few great wars, like Gabe said. After Mckinley served one term he was elected president again to serve his second and last term. Mckinley was shot on september 6th, 1901 by Leon Czolgosz who shot him in the stomach twice while shaking his hand. -Ethan- McKinley widely supported the Dingley Tariff to guard the manufacturing companies from foreign companies. He also tried to get Spain to give Cuba independence but negotiations went awry and thus began the Spanish-American War in 1898. The US won quickly and got some of Spain’s oversea colonies like Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. Cuba was planned to have independence but for the time being stayed under control of the US Army. The US had just annexed Hawaii. - Blake - Before William McKinley became President he was not only the Governor of Ohio but he was the last President to serve in the Civil War. Before the end of the Civil War McKinley was able to reach the rank of Brevet Major in which he only referred to himself as his rank as he felt that was the only thing he was sure of. He was also a accomplished lawyer in which he took a case no one would take and he got every defendant off except one. Ben- One of the popular events including Mckinley was the mountain that used to be named after him. They renamed it to the traditional Native American name, “Denali” people thought it was fitting because William Mckinley never saw the mountain or Alaska, the state it was in. Mckinley was very fond of the working class, like farmers and other, he respected their work and their way of doing things.William mckinley was also the reason the secret service was created, he was the third president ot be assasinated. This pushed the US government to create a protection service for people of importance. But something that some people may not know about the secret service is that half of their work is about preventing counterfeit currency and bank fraud. 6.Ricky-william McKinley was assassinated on September 19, 1901 when as Skylar said in the stomach while shaking Leon Czolgosz hand. Leon Czolgosz was born in Alpena Michigan in 1873 to a family of eight and was bullied by his peers when he was a kid. As he grew up he and his brother worked steel for a . But in the crash of 1893 the factory closed for some time. Leon was a anarchist supporter and killed president McKinley with a .32S&W revolver, look it up. 7.Elijah- William McKinley was first Governor of ohio and then President. He was the last President to serve in the Civil War. When he was 18 he served as a private in infantry and was the youngest in his group. AT 50 years of age Mckinley became President and was assassinated in 1901 on his second term.   8. Introduction to the age of empire  Gabe - this started when we stopped isolationism which george washington told us to do and we did for 100 years but from 1898 1901 we grabbed cuba hawaii guam puerto rico and the philippines between 1870 and 1890 all the massive powers were getting colonies for resources so we also started so we didn't get left in the dust we also need those resources such as diamonds gold timber oil rubber and all sorts of more resources So we went for them which started the age of empire 2.-Ethan- Like I said before the US got a lot of places from Spain. But through most of this, the entire world was trying to get as much land as possible. America wasn’t participating at the time but they were like “oh no, we can’t get left behind” so they started competing for land too. - Blake - This time period is when the United States start to become a true super power as shortly after the Spanish-American war the U.S. had gained quite a bit of territory. 4.Ben- A lot of conflicts in the world are because of land. Maybe one side wants land while the other needs to defend it. Or maybe they’re trying to take back land from previous wars.I think it’s called the age of empire because every empire was expanding or shrinking. 5.Ricky-basically a time when we completely ditched the idea of isolationism and developed Allies like Britain. Skylar - The United States seen that other countries were gaining power and the wanted to do so as well. Europe and Asia were gaining more land. Like they said the united states gained Cuba, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. 7.Hunter- this war was kind of a fight for territory and the early americans thought that spain sunk the USS. Maine by sabotaging it and then we declared war on spain. 8..Elijah-At the time United states moved more towards imperialism and less towards isolationism. This was because of the fall of manifest destiny and moving more towards taking other countries. The United States took land such as Cuba, Hawaii, Puerto rico and the Philippines. The age of empire  Gabe - As i stated before the age of empire was when we went and grabbed colonies and land for resources and so did the rest of the major powers. But there was no land to grab so they need to do what this to mahan says he says that they need a way to cross from the pacific to atlantic and vice versa they need ports everywhere and there going to need a powerful navy and in 1914 they put 140 million dollars into their navy - Blake - With the gain of this new land the U.S. needed a use for it and they had the perfect use. By that time the Navy wasn’t very powerful and was described as “Five leaky boats”. Although we had access to both the Pacific and Atlantic ocean’s we still couldn’t make big trips across seas as our ports were along the coastline. 3.-Ethan- Since Cuba was kind of ‘unoccupied’ at the moment, rebels started to mess with the Spanish owners of Cuba. The Cuban even blew up an American warship which caused American retaliation. Thus started the Spanish American War. Ben- Something clicked within the empires to cause them to all kinda take more land, most of the reasons were because of raw materials like things in africa, you could see some places like france claiming land in africa for the materials to bring back to their main country, england did a lot of this too, and some places fought for land in china. 5.Elijah- The age of the empire were the days of imperialism. We have taken over small islands such as Guam and Hawaii. As America expands the American Navy expands. America was looking outward to expansion and getting more resources. Cuba was the point that started the Spanish American War. Skylar - The Age of Empire was basically just trying to grab all the land that wasn’t claimed yet. They wanted this land to find its natural resources to make money. The United states was seeing two of the biggest , most powerful continents, Asia and Europe claiming all this land and using their resources. 7.Hunter- the age of empire for america was to gain land and allies. 8. The Spanish-American War  Gabe - Again as i said in the introduction to the age of empire we wanted to expand so we went to war with the spanish and won because we outnumbered them greatly and we took cuba guam puerto rico and philippines. - Blake - The Spanish-American War started out pretty stupid as the USS Maine had exploded off the coast of Cuba which was under rule from Spain it was most likely from a malfunction but Americans still believed it was from Spain. -Ethan- The War only lasted 6 week and the US of course won. Theodore Roosevelt was part of a troop called the Rough Riders. He helped rally quite a few of the Rough Riders’ troopers. The Rough Riders wouldn’t have stood a chance if the African-American troops didn’t assist.The Spaniards could try, fight, and muster all their troops, but they were no match for the US military’s new ships. The US decimated Spain’s fleet as quickly as you can imagine a ship battle going down. 4.Ben- Like Blake said, it was kinda stupid to immediately think that Spain did it, but i think America just wanted some kind of excuse to fight spain and claim Cuba. Then a bit after when the filipinos realized that America was no better than Spain at controlling their land, the rebeled. 5.Ricky-when ‘merica won the war they said they would not claim Cuba. But in a way they did. 6..Elijah- When the USS Maine blew up America blamed Spain sense the ship was at cuba at the time. This seemed like a act of terrorism sense most americans did not have all of the information. This war only lasted 6 weeks and the US won the war. The Rough Riders were a group that were fighting but most of them actually did not ride horses. Skylar - The United States declared war on Spain on April 11th, 1898. The United States were too much for Spain to handle. The army Roosevelt had put together were “armed and dangerous” and were not going down without a fight. That’s exactly what they did. The war ended only four months and one day later, August 12th, 1898. 8.Hunter- what started this war was the tragedy of the USS. Maine the americans thought that spain had something to do with it so we declared war and gained land and allies on top of it all. The Progressive Era  Gabe - In the progressive era which was around 1890s to 1920s there were im going to say movements cause there were a few on making life for industrial workers better they wanted to eliminate “unfair” business choices the definition of fair is actually playing by the rules and those were the rules so it wasn't necessarily unfair but it was hard for the people. In this era people got better protections women got the right to vote and consumers strengthened. - Blake - The Progressive Era was an era which came with a lot of industry changes and amendments during this time period such as the sixthteenth amendment, the seventeenth, the eighteenth and the nineteenth. -Ethan- The Progressive Era had a dark side, because they also promoted discrimination. The Wilson Administration supported modernity and progress in the world but they tried for segregation of government. Wilson’s presidency had a brief bringback of the Ku Klux Klan(or KKK) which was widely known as mostly racist to black people. 4.Elijah- The Progressive Era was a time that was wanting progress in society and business. In the 1890s to 1920s the Progressive Era was filled with reformers trying to help make public education, make businesses be more regulated and stop monopolies from taking over. The goal was to move forward. This was also the time of prohibition.   Ben- We’ve seen a lot of industrialization throughout the 19th-20th century as different countries develop technology and advance the stuff we already had. The progressive era really pushed the world’s inventors, as factories were made and different machines were created to make farming and other jobs easier, changing the industry and eventually turning it into what we have today. But as business was booming there were many corrupt businessmen, putting profit over morals.   6.Ricky-we changed a lot during this time politically and in the industry. Skylar - Like it says in the name the progressive era was an era between 1890 and 1920 that was full of progress. Women finally got the right to vote which was a pretty big deal. But like Ethan said it did have a dark side. 8.Hunter- this era was in the late 19th century to the early 20th this era aimed toward a better society. During this era protections for workers were strengthened, and women finally got the right to vote.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The presidency of Theodore Roosevelt - AND THE PRESIDENTIAL PODCAST Skylar - Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27th, 1858 in Manhattan, New York City, New York. His family was very wealthy hence he lived in Manhattan $$$$$. Before he was president he was a writer. He was also known as Teddy, short for Theodore. He was elected president in 1904 after former president William Mckinley was killed. “Teddy” was apart of the republican party. Roosevelt wanted a stronger army and navy and wanted to increase American intervention in Latin America by putting out the "Roosevelt Corollary" and the Monroe Doctrine and constructing the Panama Canal. He was the youngest man to ever be president at 42 years old. - Blake - After Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt's presidency he went on a expedition in the African Savannah. Shortly after he returned he despised how the newest president William Howard Taft had handled things and ultimately reran for office with a new party he created called the Progressive Republican Party (also known as the Bull Moose Party) but the public was split between Taft and Roosevelt and ultimately Woodrow Wilson won the 1912 election. -Ethan- Roosevelt like I said before was a Rough Rider which was one of the Navy’s troops at the time. Roosevelt passed a couple acts as president like any other president. 1 of them was the Emergency Banking Relief, which allowed the US government to study the banks’ finances to see when they should re-open them.  A little something interesting on when he died. Roosevelt died in his sleep and his Vice President, Thomas R. Marshall, said “Death had to take while he was sleeping, because there would have been a fight if he was awake”. 4.Elijah- Theodore Roosevelt also know as “teddy roosevelt” was a man of many talents and ideas. He was a game hunter, a writer and a guy that earned his face on Mount Rushmore. He started his own party known as the Bull Moose Party the Progressive Republican Party. He lost his mother and Wife on the same day. He had someone try to assassinate him in 1912. He was the first president to win a nobel peace prize in 1906. Ben- Theodore was the vice president during William Mckinley’s presidency, but once William tragically died, Theodore Roosevelt became president. Theodore’s story is a sad one, though. His mother and his wife died on the same day that his son was born. Ricky-Theodore Roosevelt was 26th president of the united states of america from September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1909. Fun fact, he had a son named Kermit. 7.Hunter- Theodore Roosevelt was president from 1901-1909 he was the 26th president after the assassination of William  McKinley. Muckrakers  Gabe - The Muckrakers were the fake news paparazzi of that day not always fake news but the exaggerated a lot to get to the people they were writing to. Sinclair a muckraker was writing about how terrible conditions in the meatpacking industry and how the meat was contaminated and how hard it was even so that they had to make a meat inspection act and a pure food act and a drug Act of 1906 because someone exaggerated in a book yes it was hard but not enough for you to convince them to make a meat inspection act Come on that's the same as saying they were not paid enough so the whole nation is paying millions to some people who pack meat. - Blake - Jacob Riis was a Danish immigrant who had made good friends with then President of the Police of New York City Theodore Roosevelt which he would talk to and get information in their talks which helped publish Muckraker stories.-   -Ethan- The term Muckraker came from Roosevelt’s speech where he said “the men with the muck rakes are often indispensable to the well being of society; but only if they know to stop raking the muck. In this ‘Raking the muck’ references the work of journalists who, as Gabe said, brought in fake news or Muck. Elijah- Muckrakers was first used as a derogatory term for journalists that were pushing for change but really just not doing much. But when this name came out the journalists used this as a term for themselves because they said that these issues mattered and they are bringing out the muck on these compRanies.     5.Ricky-Muckrakers (like Piper in fallout 4) are basically propaganda spreaders. They go for trying to expose this big government secret, or stuff like that. Ben- During the progressive era, many businessmen were corrupt, so the Muckrakers were people trying to show the world how corrupt they were. This later caused the food and drug act, which inspected foods to make sure they were safe for consumption. Skylar - Muckrakers wanted to expose people who had business that were doing well. They wanted to find the dirt in any company that was successful. Like Ethan said the term came from Theodore Roosevelt.Muckrakers were like everyone said drama queens, ‘’fake news’’, or people who exaggerate the media. They just talked a little ‘’ muck ‘’ as said in their name. Hunter- these guys are drama kings and queens the news was highly exaggerated any business that was successful they tried to get shut down.   That’s all we have time for today. Thanks for joining us in this emancipation from the box, that is learning.