Episode 126 - The D23 2019 Recap


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INTERCOT Insider Live - Disney Podcast

Society & Culture

INTERCOT Insider Live - Episode 126The D23 2019 RecapThe Cast: Carolyn Pongracz, Jason Kauffman, Justin McCarthy & John Yaglenski - D-2-3- New Horizons for EPCOT?- Cranky Commentary- On to the Announcements--Memento Style- I Dream of Genie- Stay Tooned for Changes at Disneyland- Leveraging Frozen Assets- Cirque du Disney- Right on Target- The Second and a Half Dimension- Disney + A lot of Content- Wish Upon a Ship- Cruise Ships ... in ... Space- Oops... and a New Spaceship Earth - - - -Brought to you by:Magical Journey'sThe Official Ticket Center- - - -