Episode 13 - Galactus Boogaloo


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Artifacts of Infinity


Episode 13: Galactus Boogaloo Today we’ll be covering Thor 160 - 162, the first major encounter between Thor and Galactus. Dramatis Personae: PROTAGONISTS Thor - Thor Odinson Asgardians Odin - Odin Borson Sif Heimdal Fandrall the Dashing Hogun the Grim Volstagg - The Lion of Asgard Torger - The Cosmic Counselor Balder - The Brave Karnilla - The Norn Queen Rigellians Tana Nile Rigellian Grand Commissioner Recorder The Wanderers ANTAGONISTS Unnamed Taurian Galactus Ego - The Living Planet Preface: The last time we covered Thor we saw Galactus buzz past on his way to find the Dark Galaxy This episode is very relevant to the first arc of Thor (2020) Thor 160: “And Now… Galactus!” Something crashes onto a nearby roof so Thor investigates, suspecting a spaceship (what a life to lead!) He’s greeted by Tana Nile of the Rigellian Colonizers who explains that she is seeking help, Thor heads to Rigel with her At this same moment Recorder entreats Odin to allow him to return to Rigel because they have need of him, Odin agrees Sif also entreats Odin to allow her to join Thor, Odin refuses We’re reminded of Galactus not being evil or good, but a force of the universe A Taurian smashes into the spaceship. Thor and Tana team up to stop him. The Taurian begs mercy and explains that it was being controlled by Galactus Thor is enraged when he sees the desolation that Galactus has left behind. He and Tana complete the voyage to Rigel where Thor agrees to help stop Galactus. Recorder joins him! Thor and Recorder hop in their cosmic hot-rod and head off to stop Galactus. Galactus has found Ego and the battle begins, destroying the cosmic hot-rod… pour one out Thor 161: “Shall a God Prevail?” Thor and Recorder float in space between Galactus and Ego Ego strikes with the power of an entire world but Galactus is unmatched in the universe The Wanderers rescue Thor and Recorder with Thor vowing vengeance Thor strikes Galactus injuring him!!! Thor rigs up a shrine for Mjolnir which releases the sum totality of its Asgardian Energy, driving Galactus off Everyone is trapped on Ego, but Ego transforms the surface to be hospitable and lets the Wanderers know that they have found sanctuary. Ego, is a darn liar though, I am salty… but that’s a story for another day. Thor 162: “Galactus is Born!” Thor and Recorder return to Rigel The High Commissioner almost makes an unforgivable mistake by removing Recorders memory bank but Thor steps in, rejecting the notion that the Rigelians have the right to do this. He’s defending his friend! Tana Nile gives Thor a big ol’ smack on the cheek. It’s cute Thor returns to Earth and is met by the Warriors Three and Heimdall. Odin has summoned Thor Torger, the cosmic counselor has been tracking Galactus, who is still a threat Odin looks Kirby AF and it’s rad! Odin looks into the past, to Galactus’ origin: In an age of Space Wars Galactus Incubation Cell floated into the gravity well of a planet at war. They realized he could bring doom upon the planet, but decided it was worth the gamble to awaken whatever was inside the cell, that they may gain an edge in the war. It was not worth it. Creators of these issues: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Vince Colletta, & Sam Rosen Find us on Twitter @ArtifactsOfI and ArtifactsOfInfinity.com