Episode 16- The Witcher (Head to Head)


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There are too many Fantasy worlds in books to choose from. When it comes to TV, everything seems to be chasing the void that Game of Thrones left behind. So, when something that was first a book, then a video game, and now a TV show catches on in popularity, it's time for Furthermore to take notice. And who better to take on a fantasy realm than our very first guest, Katie Bockino!  We compare Andrzej Sapkowski's The Last Wish, which Netflix recommends as the companion piece to the show, to Episode 1 of the new series.  How does Gerault stack up from book to show? Which moves faster, better, and with more stakes? Katie and I tackle it all and decide which we would rather delve into, and which we would shelve.  Thanks for listening and thank you to Katie for coming back to jump into our first Fantasy book of the podcast. What are some of your favorite fantasy books? Remember to find us on Instagram, @furthermorepodcast and go check out Furthermore artist Max Farinato at maxfarinato.com.  Happy Leap Day- thanks for making Head to Head month such a blast. What Head to Head episodes would you like to see in the future? Keep Reading!