Episode 19: Hell Ya Hikes the Colorado Trail Without a Sleeping Pad


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I Just Wanna Be Hiker Trash (Thru-hikers, Backpackers, and Outdoor Adventurers)


Chad Lubinski, from episode 16, flips the script and interviews Hell Ya about his experience thru-hiking the Colorado Trail in 2019 after a massive snow year. Hell Ya shares some insights on how to prepare for the trail, and successfully finish a thru-hike. to follow Chad on his adventures to come and learn from the tips he shares:(https://www.youtube.com/c/ChadLubinski/videos)(https://www.instagram.com/chadahooche_/?hl=en)(https://www.tiktok.com/@chadahooche_?lang=en)If you liked what you heard and YOU too wanna be Hiker Trash, hit that follow, subscribe, rate, do whatever you gotta do! (https://www.instagram.com/justwannabehikertrashpod/)(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgDwd2mz1eFe9FizrgEZPgA)(https://www.facebook.com/justwannabehikertrashpod)or contact the show at ijustwannabehikertrash@gmail.com