Episode 2: Anita Castellar, CEO Fangirl Consulting and Brand Management


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Episode 2: Anita Castellar, CEO of Fangirl Consulting and Brand Management The force is strong with this one!  If you’ve built a lightsaber at a Disney Park- including Galaxy’s Edge- you can thank Anita Castellar for the experience.  Anita has spent her career telling the story of Star Wars through merchandise and experiences built for loyal fans in roles at Disney, Hasbro, and Lucas Film.  Now, as CEO of Fangirl Consulting and Brand Management, she is building a licensing agency that understands and unlocks fandom of all kinds- including fans of ODB- that’s right, Ol Dirty Bastard of the Wu-tan Clan! For more information on Fangirl, visit fglicensing.com Thank you to our episode sponsor, Flowhaven.  Visit Flowhaven.com to request a demo.  Our theme music is composed by Pleasant Pictures Music Club, thank you Pleasant Pictures!