Episode 2 Chasing 140.6 with Coach and Athlete Daniel Smith


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Chasing 140.6


Hey everyone! Thank you for checking out the 2nd episode of the Chasing 140.6 podcast. Today I had the pleasure of interviewing coach, athlete and all together awesome guy Daniel Smith. Dan and I talked about some really great stuff for beginning triathlete's (like myself) and you'll also get to hear some great stories and advice from someone who's been there and done that. Thanks so much for listening! If you liked the podcast feel free to rate and subscribe so you can stay up to date on the latest episodes released. If you would like to listen to the other podcast mentioned here is the link... https://www.triswimcoach.com/interview-with-triathlete-coach-extraordinaire-daniel-smith-podcast-35/ Daniel's email- danieljs111@aol.com Daniel's Facebook- Daniel J. Smith