Episode 2 : Daunting Dilemmas: Dismantling Deific Dogma


Listens: 70


Society & Culture

When a proposition is proffered to the mind, it perceives its suitability and ineligibility and then proceeds to weigh its acceptability. When this drill is the course of action for a topic that is non-religious, classifying a certain topic as unacceptable is deemed to be valid. However, when the aforementioned custom is practiced in the ascertainment of the existence of a deity, why is it that we attach criminality to this disbelief? 

And why is it that despite there being a myriad of communities to spread the word for the existence of deities, there are none that exist for those who do not find their beliefs being reflected in those of the larger communities? ELS, SRCC is here with another episode of 'Perspective' to answer this question- DAUNTING DILEMMAS: DISMANTLING DEIFIC DOGMA.