Episode 2 - How to Get Rid of Toxic People on The Way of Achieving Your Goals by Breaking Mind Pattern


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Iman Reihanian's Podcast


In this podcast, I will get to the second level of how to achieve our goals which is about how to get over toxic people from the point of view of neuropsychology and neuroplasticity.After the first podcast which was about how to take action and why 99% of people fail to achieve their goals because of the lack of clarity of their goal, in this second podcast I argue how toxic people can affect your life mentally and physically which turned on to be a huge push back on the way of success and achieve your goals.I used part of the NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and explained how our relationships with other people are saved into our memory and how a group of neurons is going to make a pattern and this pattern is going to be the same memory which is very painful to break it.The second podcast is very important because not only it shows us how toxic people can affect our lifestyle but it is going to take a very scientific way to get over of toxic people and eventually remove one of the obstacles on the way of achieving our goals.