Episode 2 - The Kids


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Make it Awkward with Dani Bates

Health & Fitness

Make It Awkward Podcast with Dani Bates and Thom Ross. We’re talking about hard things and making people uncomfortable. Sort of serious. Sort of funny. https://danibates.com/make-it-awkward/Learn more about Dani Bates at http://danibates.com  Music is “Better” by Mimi Knowleshttps://open.spotify.com/artist/68P535dHUi4Mwgwunjk1Bn?autoplay=true&v=A Portrait Artwork is by Elise Ribera http://www.liliribs.comSupport the show (https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=GqTfo3MoXNB8qNERl_1o6eAyAsmiCIUK49lcTodIjM-_08kK_ZDovP7FRx_-WSwUa-ph9m&country.x=US&locale.x=)