Episode 23


Listens: 22

The People I Meet

Society & Culture

Sometimes in life despite having a rock solid plan in place , your life switches tracks and goes on a completely different route. A few years later when you look back you realise that the detour was the best thing that could have happened to you! This is exactly what my guest for today feels when she talks about how she decided to embark on her Hair-Dressing journey. Cutting hair is a science, knowing what works best for each hair texture is an art, understanding what exactly your client wants is a skill and ensuring that they leave the salon with a smile on their face is a true gift! This is a gift that Uma Selvaraj possesses in abundance and during the course of our conversation today you will find out that behind the pretty face and the gorgeous curls stands a strong, independent woman who has big dreams for the future. Join us on this episode to know a lot more about this curly haired Diva from Chennai.