Episode #23 - TAP - Pier-Anne Mercier and David Bellemare


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In Episode 23 Marx has a conversation with artists Pier-Anne Mercier and David Bellemare about their latest exhibition at TAP Art Space in Montreal, Canada.Reflecting on their current state as post-BFA artists, Pier-Anne and David pose a question that delicately balances hopeful thoughts with realistic perspectives, where do we go from here? As a drafted response, they create an engaging painting-installation. Honouring his long-time held painting style, David Bellemare uses a single-large canvas as a base for his creations, rolling it along as the collage-painting evolves. His use of figurative and referential imagery creates his personal language; through this collage, the artist reveals humor, cynicism, fear, dreams, etc. allowing the viewer to dive into his psyche in a vulnerable-honest manner. The painting acquires a three-dimensional form via the intervention of Pier-Anne’s wood-based installation, occupying most of the wall area at TAP. Over this most-intimate conversation, the artists create space for reflection that can be as personal or as global as the viewer desires.Check out the photo documentation at www.tapmontreal.comThanks for listening