Episode 26 - Surprise! Our 2020 Election was a shit show.


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Lets Smoke About It Podcast


Let's face it. No one thought Trump was going to take a loss without fighting it. The polls got it wrong. There was no Blue wave like they claimed. Since this recording, Biden has won the popular vote and the Electoral College vote. For all purposes, Joe Biden will be the President of the United States. At the time we recorded this, it was the day after the strangest election we have ever seen in our adult lives. The largest number of voters ever. The largest number of mail in ballots. The Democrats used the Wuhan Wheezer as a way to get people to stay home and vote. Trump encouraged his supporters to show up at the polls. Early votes came in heavy for Agent Orange. That makes sense. Those votes were people who showed up and voted in person, COVID be damned. Then, overnight, the tides changed as mail in ballots began to change the outcome. Now we have a decision. Joe Biden convinced enough voters to vote for him. Not based on his policies. Not based on his record. He ran a campaign solely on the platform of "Make the Bad Orange Man" go away. And he has won. Trump will fight it in court. He believes that some of the votes are fraudulent. Maybe they are. None of these fuckers we have in power seem to be worth a shit as far as I'm concerned. That's just my take though. "Nothing we say if factual...."  RATE, LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT.  If you like what we say, tell us. If you hate what we say.......TELL US.  Reach out on social media: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER