Episode 26 You're Not Better Because You're Skinny


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Platonic Lifemates


This week we’re bringing an episode that we didn't get to air in late May. We’re talking about diet culture and how that has shaped us as ladies in our mid-30’s.  We grew up in the 90’s, fat was the devil guys!!!  Whitney talks about how she talks to her kids about food, and physical appearance at their young ages.Melissa talks about her experience with Keto and fasting and its effect on her mental health. We go down a rabbit hole about Jenny Craig’s origin (we just had to know). We talk about fat shaming, Instagram’s shitty algorithm to body shame you, society’s obsessions with judging people’s body’s, office weight loss challenges and society valuing people more if they are skinny. *Mentioned In This episode* Never Have I Ever on Netflix ( https://www.netflix.com/title/80179190 ) Dead To Me on Netflix ( https://www.netflix.com/title/80219707 ) Follow us on Instagram @PlatonicLifemates Visit the Facebook Page ( https://www.facebook.com/PlatonicLifemates/ ) or join our ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/410940706260617/?source_id=145694009442726 ) Facebook Group ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/410940706260617/?source_id=145694009442726 ) Send us an email at Platoniclifemate@gmail.com Visit our website ( https://platoniclifemates.com/ ) platoniclifemates.com ( https://platoniclifemates.com/ ) for more information about all the shows, books and podcasts mentioned on today's episode. Music: Yes She Can  by Tiny Music