Episode 269: Causality is a Fallacy


Listens: 159

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast

Society & Culture

Today, we’re going to talk about causality as a fallacy. It is an illusion to think that the present is the effect of the past. It’s an erroneous belief that the future is the effect of the present. Time is not something we can understand intellectually. What if the past was a result of the present, and the present a result of the future? 

Brothers, in reality, there are no separate events. When does an event truly begin? There are many different theories. Separate things and broken time are illusions many of us buy into. Nature is in a constant state of movement. There are no nouns in nature. Only verbs. Everything is in motion. There is no steady state. 

In the world of form, everything affects everything else. But to say that what you do today will be the effect or cause of what happens in the evening, is really to think that you are on a ship in the ocean. Right behind the ship, there’s a big wake, and as the ship gets further away from it, the wake gets wider and wider, telling us where the ship has been. But as we go further into the past, we always reach a point where all traces of the past fade away. Where the ship has been does not determine where the ship is going. 

The present begins in the present, it does not begin in the past, and if you insist on being determined by the past, you can play that game, but the fact of the matter is it all starts right now. You can use the past to explain the present, but that’s really just delaying a true explanation. The mind is so locked into time because everything comes from nothingness.

All of life emerges from nothing. An organism-environment field is really the real me. That is all the things that happen to me, and that is the sense of karma. That is a sense of action, a sense of spontaneous action. It’s your mind that’s locked in time. Your body is always here. Get into the habit of thought in terms of which you don’t define yourself in terms of what you’ve done before but in terms of what you’re doing now. That is freedom, brother.