Summer Driving Tips all California Driver’s must Know


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Click2Drive - Online & In-Car Driver Education


As we have already discussed few winter Driving tips. We will now be discussing some summer driving tips as summer is also one of the most dangerous climates to be on the roads & highways. Winter climate is frequently considered more dangerous than summer days, yet don’t get fooled summer driving has a lot of dangers. More youngsters, travelers, motorcycles, and bikes are on the road and might be unknown to the areas, tire blowout and constructions are more predominant in the summer. For many, those long-awaited holiday plans are moving close. While some might be staying and enjoying barbeques and visits to that exceptional neighborhood spot, others might be coming up with a plan for the road trips to their favorite destination. Whatever your summer plans may include, California’s roadways are sure to be buzzing. The California Office of Traffic Safety is reminding California behind the wheel driving test drivers to make this summer a safe road trip by following the below-driving tips:

  • Get Ready for Warm Weather
  • Prepare Your Vehicle
  • Top Up Your Fluids
  • Checking the Air Conditioning
  • Keep Your Tires Properly Inflated
  • Stay away from Distractions