Episode 3 Special Syrian Headlines +Interview W Jocelyn


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Picture This Podcast


This Is my 3rd show making Picture This, Malek Jandali sent me Cd's for me mentioning the man that was killed by the so called Islamic State. So I dedicate the Headlines Portion of Picture This calling It "a Look Inside Syria" I used youtube videos i do not claim to own and have Fair Use of. I mention the horrible conditions under the dictatorship under Assad and The Terrorist controlling their Territory, I pray for the Free Syrian Army For if they win they will be better off. Russians Please Tell your Leader It is Wrong to support him. Help The Free Syrian Army to Help defeat this dictator and the Terrorist that claim the land. I pray for the soldiers of division 30 may Jesus Protect them. I hope Croatia gets their border situation figured out. Thank you Jocelyn Cruz for coming and doing the Interview, I learned a lot from you, and i wish i could remember some of the cool quotes we talked about afterwards, i hope we can work together again! Please Remember to donate I really really really really (not joking sorry) could use your help. Me:Photography website: Picturethisnm.com Contact me through Twitter @dje_ssential or email xerniexplur@gmail.com donate to here Please!!!! Crowdfunding: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Flife.indiegogo.com%2Ffundraisers%2Fpicture-this-the-podcast-by-ernest-pena&redir_token=xpPEf1zeA1vdNMTHLC9SnGYNk0Z8MTQ0MzU2NjQ1N0AxNDQzNDgwMDU3 Jocelyn: Newagestarlit.com Twitter/Instagram @newagestarlit Malek Jandali: www.MalekJandali.com Genocide in Syria: Genocideinsyria.org https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.genocideinsyria.org%2F%23!starvation-under-siege-%2Fc10ph&redir_token=xpPEf1zeA1vdNMTHLC9SnGYNk0Z8MTQ0MzU2NjQ1N0AxNDQzNDgwMDU3