Episode 3 | The Oscar Award for Best Online Strategy With Your Worst Roommate


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Loud & Klear Podcast


Of course, we start by discussing the newest Bachelor tea - Victoria, Kelley, and Hannah Ann were put in the ring, hitting Kelley with the TKO. Madison has a few requests that Peter doesn't seem to mind, either. Between the Oscars, new movies, and new celebrity couples, there was a lot to cover. We answer some big questions about how to use each online platform, and threw in some tips on the type of content that is best for each platform, and even for some industries specifically.People Are Not Okay is filled with a handful of stories that will make you cringe, laugh, and question some people's thought processes - AKA, we got some pure PANO stories this week. Having babies in closets, being locked out by a roommate, and being lied to are some of the hints we will leave for you!