Episode 32 - Naked Service: Serving Clients Authentically


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Divinepreneur Set Free


Have you ever had a bad customer service experience?  If you have, did you ever tell someone about it?  Chance are the answer is a resounding yes!   So, how do we up our game when it comes to client relations and customer service? In this episode, we discuss five essential skills to serving customers, and doing authentically.  People are emotional beings.  That is why when we experience bad customer service we tend to tell our friends and neighbors; it hits a nerve.  We want to avoid that type of experience.  With this understanding, we can then construct a superior experience for our clients.  First, be empathetic.  There is a big difference between being empathetic and being sympathetic.  You can certainly be both. However, having empathy simply shows that we care about the customer predicament.  Customers don't want to talk to robots and people who read off scripts, which in turn come off as robots.  We've all experienced this before.   Second, avoid using negative language at all cost.  We must not confuse sugar-coding with avoiding using negative language.  We must still tell the truth. The trick here is to use positive language; avoid words like "unfortunately" and "yes, but..."  Third, practice active listening.  As the late Dr. S. Covey taught, "seek first to understand, then to be understood."  Make sure you practice both principles though! Many of us really have a hard time listening; instead of listening, we are, rather, preparing our reply.  To listen better, have a "you-mindset" and avoid interrupting the person.  Listen with intention.  Fourth, I think to serve clients authentically we need to practice patience.  When we think of God we may not mouth off "patience" as one of his key attributes.  But isn't it?  Think about how long he's waited for you, me, etc?  Similarly, some customers just need a lot more hand-holding than others.  Fifth, be "other-centered." There is nothing wrong with wanting the "sale." Serve first. With this mindset, we take the focus off of how the deal can benefit ourselves.  We instead focus on the client's needs. Maybe after  you have met with the client and gathered all the relevant data you come to the conclusion that your product or service is not the right fit for your prospect.  Disclosing this to the prospect can only increase your credibility (through the roof)! Or, you are wiling to share with the prospect some aspects of your service that may be better deployed later rather than now.  Again, when we think of our client's needs, at the risk of "not closing the deal", you'll likely end up with more business than you can handle!  Finally, what can be more authentic than owning our own mistakes that we have made when dealing with our clients. It's hard.  Really hard.  The natural human tendency is to hide, shift blame, or downplay the mistake.  When we reveal, admit, and apologize for our wrongdoing clients are much more receptive, and forgiving than if we were simply trying to act like it's not a big deal.  Clients are humans, too; they have made mistakes, too. Coming clean can only put yourself in an upright position.  I love to hear about your experience with providing awesome and authentic customer service.  Did it back fire? Or, did it win your client's heart? Email me at johnny@divinepreneursetfree.com! Blessings, #shiuyaright