Episode 32 - Second Wave of Protests (But Not BLM This Time), Explanation of Where Newsom Gets His Power, Recall Newsom 2020


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California Underground


In this episode we discuss how the second wave of protests will not be from BLM, but instead Californians who are tired of this on/off, locked down/reopening, limbo we seem to be in. With most officials turning a blind eye to large protests yet punishing law abiding citizens with closures of their businesses, when will people say they have had enough? There's a lot of confusion about where Newsom is getting this what seems to be unlimited amount of power. We dive into the statutes of the State of Emergency and see where we go from here.  An official recall petition is circulating the state to recall Newsom...does it have a chance to pass? Show Links Powers of Governor Under State of Emergency Act https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=GOV&division=1.&title=2.&part=&chapter=7.&article=13. Why a Newsom Recall Could Succeed https://amgreatness.com/2020/06/28/why-a-newsom-recall-could-succeed/