Episode 33, Part 1: There's Only One Tariff In This Town


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Squad Up!


It's been a while, but the Squad is back! After being gone for two months (blame the Sound Lord), Eduardo and Peach3z invite Robbie to help them catch up on all the biggest video game news. IN THIS EPISODE: •An economics lesson from Professor Robbie •Redesigning movie Sonic •Detective Pikachu! •Sony and Microsoft team up to battle Google Stadia •Super Mario Maker 2! •ASMR with Peach3z •And more! After so much time away, the Squad had a lot to catch up on, so this will be part one of a two-part episode. Tune in next week to hear what everyone has been playing! And in the meantime, please email squaduppodcast@gmail.com and tell Eduardo to design a Mario Maker level!