Episode 38 with Rajiv Khati


Listens: 587

Leverage Radio


On a late night edition of Leverage Radio, we are joined by the evergreen Rajiv Khati. Rajiv is an entrepreneur, a talented musician, a passionate martial artist and is humbly confident in all his endeavours. He has traveled across India in pursuit of unifying the knowledge which exists in the respective regions. Rajiv was a perfect addition to the Leverage Team, to help give the upcoming Pro-Invitational tournament a whole new vibe. In this episode, we speak to Rajiv about the upcoming leverage IX card, we dissect the match-ups (yup every single one), we talk about his experiences training with the best people across India, we go deep into the fake jiu-jitsu promotions and the impact that has on the sport and much more. Rajiv is a great teammate and he has our respect, he manages to seemingly do it all and look so young while doing it! It was a genuine pleasure for us, see you on the mats brother. Oss