Episode 4: Jon Royal


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Jon Royal is a Life Coach and founder of The Center for Health and Harmony. We dig into Unlimited Breath, Unlimited Bodywork -- and why we're still carrying around crap from our toddler years.  Guest: Jon Royal, holistic practitioner, Des Moines, Iowa Iowa Holistic Resources  Center for Health and Harmony: https://www.facebook.com/thecenterforhealthandharmony/?eid=ARDAhNKyQxwj7JmpdOW3RwSgaSLQhyOZmIBjIcifTZZiegEMb56EuuOP7nKYjENVQ-jU_iQi7gfTLqnQ&timeline_context_item_type=intro_card_work&timeline_context_item_source=642444867&fref=tag  Jon Royal: http://www.jonroyal-lifecoach4u.com/  VenoSoul: https://venosoul.com/  Have questions? Want to be on the podcast? Email us at talk@venosoul.com.