Episode 40: 6 Things to Know about True Love


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SoulSeries by PurposeFairy


When you’re in a toxic relationship, you can’t think straight anymore, nor can you see things clearly. From that dark, foggy, and confusing space, you begin to think that maybe this is how life is meant to be lived. And that maybe you don’t deserve anything better than this. But you do! You really, really, do!I’ve been in more than one toxic relationship throughout my life and I know how challenging it can be to find the courage and strength to let go. I know how hard it can be to take a good look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself: I’ve had enough.There has to be a better way.I deserve better than this.Because the truth of the matter is that you do deserve better than this. And I hope this video will inspire and empower you to let go of that toxic relationship so that you can feel free and become happy all over again.