Episode 41: Expressing Philosophy and Spirituality of the Psychologist Gauri Row Kavi


Listens: 49

Comspire: Communicate to Inspire


Gauri Row Kavi, the founder of Self Align, an affiliated center of Albert Ellis Institute. She is a Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist and Life coach

Certified Assessor of Development Centres (XLRI), Certified in many psychometric assessment tools, like MBTI, DISC, 16 PF, E.Q, etc.

Specialties: Certified practioner of well known Psychometric Assessment tools; Certified facilitator for world renowned programmes; Executive & Leadership Coach; Personal & Career Counsellor; Psychologist, Psychotherapist (Cognitive Therapy) & Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapist; Graphologist; Master Practitioner of Gestalt, NLP; internationally certified Yoga Teacher.