Episode 41 - with guest Nick Loiacano (Climb to Zalem, Nothing, Killer Whale, The Bionic Broadcast)


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I Hate Music


I was not going to miss a Mr. Bungle reunion, and neither was my old friend Nick.  Nick Loiacano and I became friends over 20 years ago in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and have collaborated on a number of musical endeavors.  He was my partner in crime on Nothing's "The Grey Subaudible" album, he's the main writer in Climb to Zalem and has been involved in a number of bands including Killer Whale, Self Spiller and Snares of Sixes.  Nick and I often bonded over Faith No More and Mr. Bungle, so it only made sense for me to fly down to Los Angeles to join Nick for the show. The morning after the amazing Mr. Bungle concert, we invaded a small studio in Los Angeles, and took it to the next level by recording on location, and with a producer.  In this episode we do a deep dive on the history and musicality of The Meat Shits including some A Capella Meat Shits covers, we talk at length about Nick's now defunct podcast The Bionic Broadcast, and we play each other music from Japan, England, Texas and from all over the god-damned globe.   Join us for some tunes, a few laughs, and a very unique episode of I Hate Music.   -------------------- "I Hate Music" theme by Marius Sjoli, performed by Billy Smeer. Closing music "Dunk Contest" by Killer Whale. Recorded in Los Angeles by Producer Justin. -------------------- https://www.facebook.com/hatepod.music/ Email and listener suggestions to: hate.pod.music@gmail.com Donations to support our podcast: paypal.me/hatepod