Episode 5: Hidden Email Marketing Secrets


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Exploring Entrepreneurship with Empire Thoughts


When you start building your list, you have to keep your audience aware of your brand and products/services. Instead of sending out random emails to your audience, you can use the  soap opera sequence strategy or the Seinfeld Method.   The soap opera sequence method is a unique and incredibly effective series of 5 emails which can be used to get your followers and subscribers to go from the warming up stage to the sale/CTA stage. The reason why this method is called the “soap opera sequence” method is because it literally builds up the story and climax like a soap opera show. This allow for you to build up the tension, grab your follower’s attention, and just when they are HOOKED, you bring out the last stage, CTA (call-to-action) and make that sale happen. The Seinfeld Method serves as a follow-up form of communication to The Soap Opera Email which is typically a story-arch of emails designed to build a relationship with new leads, while introducing them to your products and services. It's primary goal is building trust. The Soap Opera Email which is typically a story arch of emails designed to build a relationship with new leads, while introducing them to your products and services. Its primary goal is building trust. If you are would like a copy of our proven Soap Opera and Seinfeld template email us at theempirethoughts@gmail.com.