Episode 51: Forward to Normal with Jose Castro


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So You're an Artist...


Jose Castro joins us for a third time for a broader conversation. In this uncut, raw interview, we discuss black representation in American art (with a focus in film/TV), allyship in this wave of the civil rights movement, and ways to avoid burnout in order to keep fighting for what's right. Keep up with Jose on Instagram (@the1mrc) and for more information on his education initiatives and self-defense programs, visit www.thenowhouse.org.  Continue protesting, donating, and signing petitions. Change is being made. Find the links to the petitions mentioned at the top of the episode below and check out our Instagram story (@artist.pod) for a larger list of film/book/podcast recommendations for self education on the black experience and history in the US. Justice for Breonna Talyor: https://tinyurl.com/ybm8q6vo Justice for Elijah McClain: https://tinyurl.com/y83xtpn8 Juneteenth: https://tinyurl.com/yafnuh9o A very special thanks to musician Jon Carlo Lopez for providing this week's bumper music! Check out the full song and more here: www.holdtheflicks.bandcamp.com --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app